Mar 10, 2022

Speech Recognition for Business Contact Centers

Speech Recognition for Business Contact Centers


The basics of speech recognition technology

Speech recognition technology, also known as text to speech, is a computer application that can identify spoken words and convert them into text. It is used in a variety of settings, including call centers, healthcare facilities, and government agencies.


With advancements in technology, more improved software is being designed to recognize natural speech and various accents and languages. Most modern electronic devices have speech recognition functions in them to allow easier use of hands-free devices. Some of the popular voice assistants owned by various companies that work on speech recognition technology include: Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri.


Speech recognition technology: How does it work?

Speech recognition software works by taking sound waves and breaking them down into small chunks of data. These chunks are then analyzed for certain characteristics, such as pitch, volume, and duration. The software compares these characteristics to a database of known words and phrases, and then translates them into text. The accuracy of speech recognition software depends on a variety of factors, including the quality of the microphone, the ambient noise level, and the speaker's accent.


Speech recognition software: pros and cons

There are many benefits to using speech recognition software in business. Some of the pros include the following:


  • Increased efficiency: Speech recognition can help to increase efficiency in the workplace by allowing employees to complete tasks faster. This is because speech recognition can often be faster than typing, and it also eliminates the need to search through documents for specific information.
  • Improved accuracy: Speech recognition can also help to improve accuracy in the workplace by ensuring that information is entered into databases and other systems correctly. This is because speech recognition software can identify words and phrases more accurately than a person can, thus minimizing the chances of data entry errors.


The accuracy of speech recognition technology is constantly being improved, but there are still some challenges that need to be overcome. Some of the cons of using speech recognition in business include the following:


  • Limited functionality: At present, speech recognition software is not able to handle all business tasks. This means that some tasks may still need to be completed manually, which can lead to inefficiency in the workplace.
  • High initial cost: Speech recognition software can be expensive to purchase and install, which can be a deterrent for some businesses.
  • Difficulty with accents: Speech recognition software can often have difficulty understanding accents, which can lead to errors in data entry.
  • Training required: To get the most out of speech recognition software, employees will need to be trained on how to use it. This can be a time-consuming process, and may not be suitable for all businesses.


      Speech recognition in customer service


      Speech recognition lets contact centers capture all the voice data captured in voice recordings which helps human agents to enhance their customer experience. Speech recognition can transcribe calls in real-time as well as previous calls directly to their dashboard. The accessibility to customer interaction history substantially accelerates the improvement of resolution time for the contact centers. How does speech recognition work in our everyday life is essential to understand. Speech recognition is used to perform tasks on our smartphones, change lighting, put on our favorite shows on Youtube, and play desired music without any physical interaction. They are used in healthcare, legal systems, and customer service. 


      Speech recognition is used in offering services in contact centers. Customer care service can use Interactive Voice Technology (IVR) to understand their customers better regardless of their accents, background noise, or grammar and respond to them more intently and provide extensive professional help by connecting them to experts. It is used for multiple call handling. [24]7.ai is the ultimate solution in providing call automation services to customers.


      Contact centers in the financial industry need to respond quickly, especially for sensitive matters like fraud or false identity. And with cybercrimes on the rise, financial services are found turning toward speech recognition to better combat such issues. Speech recognition has proven to be an effective tool in securing financial customer data. 




      Speech recognition technology has come a long way. It has created massive competition among several business giants such as Apple, Amazon, and Google. These companies own their personal speech recognition voice assistants, allowing them to reap huge sales profits. Almost every modern technological device is equipped with speech recognition software. They have made our life much easier and has revolutionized the technological world.


      For more automated voice solutions, contact us.