Apr 6, 2022

The Benefits of Asynchronous Messaging

The Benefits of Asynchronous Messaging

What is Asynchronous Messaging?

Asynchronous messaging is a communication pattern where senders and receivers communicate asynchronously, that is, without necessarily communicating in lockstep or in real time. Messages may be queued, and the sender may not know when the receiver has received the message.


One of the key benefits of asynchronous messaging is that it allows senders and receivers to be decoupled, meaning that they do not have to be running in the same process or even on the same machine. This allows messages to be sent between processes, machines, or even organizations.


Another benefit of asynchronous messaging is that it can help to achieve higher throughput and scalability. This is because messages can be processed in parallel, and because the sender does not have to wait for a response from the receiver.


Finally, asynchronous messaging can also help to improve resilience and fault tolerance. This is because if a receiver fails to process a message, the message can be processed by another receiver.


Understanding Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Messaging

When two systems need to communicate with each other, one system will send a message to the other system. If the message is sent asynchronously, the sender does not wait for a reply from the receiver before continuing with its own work. If the message is sent synchronously, the sender waits for a reply from the receiver before continuing with its own work.


Why Asynchronous Messaging is Beneficial

Only asynchronous messaging delivers anytime, contextual, personalized 1:1 interactions at scale. Here are just a few reasons it’s right for your business.


Customers Like Asynchronous Messaging

Asynchronous messaging enables customers to engage with your business on their time, over time. It’s convenient, familiar, and folds easily into their lifestyles. Customers don’t have to clear a slot in their day to settle an issue or pursue an inquiry or make a purchase. They don’t have to wait around for an agent to appear, worry about getting cut off or called away, or endure the pain of repeating themselves—again. If a customer leaves a messaging thread, then later picks up a phone and calls in, the agent can find the online discussion and pick up where the conversation left off, much to the customer’s relief. When customers return to a messaging thread, they don’t have to remember what was discussed; no matter how far back it goes, the complete history is available, visible, and searchable.


Async Messaging is Faster and More Effective

Customers start conversations without waiting, there’s no need to repeat information, and agents resolve issues in less time with fewer turns (back-and-forth exchanges), transfers, and escalations. With asynchronous messaging, customers compose all their intents (practical and emotional) in a single post at the outset. No agent is needed to start the conversation. And since the intent is already on display, the conversation moves quickly past introductions to its Resolve phase. Given the information up front, businesses are able to route the request to the most appropriate live or virtual agent. Agents have more time to take ownership, better understand the customer and situation (intent, history, journey), and offer a more fully researched, comprehensive, and personalized response. With fewer turns, transfers, and escalations, conversations take less time and are more satisfying.


Asynchronous Chat Aids the Customer Lifecycle

Asynchronous messaging keeps the conversation open, giving you the chance to build stronger relationships and create new sales. Agents view past threads of returning customers and—especially when aided by artificial intelligence—identify additional service, support, or even upselling opportunities. Because customers reach out when it’s convenient, and they know it’s easy to stop and later restart a conversation, they’re more likely to seek help—that’s a good thing!—and are more open to discussing sign-ups, upgrades, etc.


Asynchronous Chat Improves the Agent Experience

As asynchronous messaging agents better satisfy customers, more efficiently manage their time, and focus on high-touch high-value customer issues, their morale improves—which in turn lowers attrition and boosts productivity.


Async Messaging Means Fewer Returns

Customers who make purchases using asynchronous chat platforms are more satisfied with their choices; less buyer's remorse means fewer returns. It results from agents having more time to research the customer’s history and thus make personalized suggestions, and from customers having more time to reach a firm, considered decision.


    Better Time Management

    Compared to chat customers, asynchronous messaging gives agents up to three times longer to respond before marking down their CSAT scores. So your agents get to use some of the time saved elsewhere (fewer turns, etc.) to enhance the customer experience. Asynchronous messaging customers expect less urgent, more thoughtful, richer exchanges—and they don’t mind waiting for it. For example, 92 percent of chats are less than one minute first response time (FRT), but only 70 percent of asynchronous messages are that fast. Yet the customer experience is the same. (We actually recommend organizations on asynchronous messaging platforms shoot for under-a-minute FRTs only 50 percent of the time.)


    Asynchronous Messaging Metrics by the Numbers


    Asynchronous Messaging Helps Staffing

    [24]7.ai clients who move from full chat to a blended chat and asynchronous messaging model reduce required staffing hours by 20 percent on average.


    Asynchronous Chat is More Efficient

    Compared to chat, asynchronous messaging agents manage more concurrent conversations, each of which, on average, completes faster. With fewer turns, transfers, and escalations, conversations take less time and are more satisfying.

    •      Chat: 35.2 conversations/day (or 4.4/hour), each 10.6 minutes long—cost per contact: $3.43
    •      Asynchronous messaging: 40.8 conversations/day (or 5.1/hour), each 7 minutes long—cost per contact: $2.94

    Higher CSAT and Resolution Scores

    Compared to chat, asynchronous messaging results in:

    •      CSAT scores that are 18 percent higher
    •      Resolution scores that are 21 percent higher|

    Asynchronous Messaging Means Fewer Turns

    Asynchronous messaging conversations are very nearly one-and-done.

    •      Chat: Customers turn six times, agents turn seven
    •      Asynchronous messaging: Customers and agents both turn twice

    Asynchronous Messaging Resolves Issues

    Asynchronous messaging resolves more issues that stay resolved.

    •      Chat: Up to 35 percent of customer contacts are re-contacts for the original intent
    •      Asynchronous messaging: Only 17 percent of customer contacts are re-contacts for the original intent


    Additional Information About Asynchronous Messaging

    What people like about messaging is that it’s easy. What they don’t like about customer service is that it’s not. By incorporating messaging into your service model, you give customers exactly what they want. [24]7.ai has the experience, expertise, technology, and tools to transform your approach to messaging. Learn more about asynchronous messaging: