May 12, 2022

What is Conversational Design and Why Does Conversational AI Need It?

By [24]7.ai

Every time you engage with a business, whether it’s on the phone, via the internet, or in person, you have to have a conversation. If you’re in person, you know you’re obviously talking to a human. If you’re on the computer or your phone, it is becoming increasingly more likely you are interacting with a bot. With advancements in conversational AI, however, it might become increasingly less obvious that it’s not a person on the other end of the line.

Conversational AI and conversational design are making interactions with bots, be they over the phone or the internet, more human-like and less obviously a machine. With the right bot and right design, customers are increasingly able to solve their own issues with a bot, without ever having to involve a live agent. Live agents who don’t have to be preoccupied with solving issues that can be resolved with a bot instead can focus on more complex customer needs. Everyone is happy!

What is conversational AI?

Conversational AI is a subset of AI that enables computers to hold natural conversations with people. It is a technology that allows people to communicate with machines as if they were human, and it has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology.

Conversational AI is powered by natural language processing (NLP), which is a branch of AI that enables computers to understand human language. From a customer service perspective, conversational AI can be used to provide automated support and assistance. For agents, conversational AI can be used to provide automated support and assistance. It empowers agents to communicate with customers in a more natural way, which can result in a better customer experience.

For businesses, conversational AI can be used to improve customer engagement, reduce customer support costs, and improve sales thereby increasing revenue. Whether you’re an agent, a customer or a business, the ability to have bots that are built and designed to communicate like a human will make the experience better for everyone involved.

What is conversational design? 

Conversational design is a type of design that focuses on user interactions. It helps to create a natural conversation between humans and machines Conversational design makes it possible for people to use these interfaces to interact with the digital world in a more natural way.

Conversational design is the process of taking into account how people communicate with each other when designing digital experiences. This includes the design of chatbots and conversational UIs, where users can type or speak to a system, as well as messaging apps, where people communicate with each other through text. Conversational design also includes the design of the conversations people have with these interfaces.

Designing interactions to best reflect human interactions is the first step. The next important step in the process is to automate the conversations you’ve built.

What is conversational automation? 

Conversational automation is a term used to describe the way businesses are using artificial intelligence (AI) to create digital customer assistants that can carry out human-like conversations with customers. These assistants can help customers with tasks such as ordering products, making reservations, and getting customer support.

Conversational automation is powered by natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), which enable the assistant to learn from each interaction and improve its ability to provide a helpful and accurate customer experience. By using conversational automation, businesses are able to provide a more human-like customer experience, which can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and also increase sales.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a method of data analysis that allows computers to learn from experience and improve their ability to predict outcomes. It is a type of artificial intelligence that enables computers to learn without being explicitly programmed.

Machine learning learns by example and by doing and enables algorithms to change automatically as more data is fed into them. In conversational AI, machine learning can be used to enable bots to better understand user intentions and to enable them to respond in more natural ways. This improves the user experience and helps to make the bots more engaging and helpful.

Long term, machine learning can be used to create smarter bots that are able to understand complex questions and to provide more sophisticated responses. In the short term, it can be used to improve the accuracy of bots' responses and to make them more able to handle customer service requests.

Natural language interactions via chatbots or voice based personal assistants

Interactions with chatbots or voice-based personal assistants that are guided by natural language are becoming increasingly common.  As technology evolves and more users adopt the enhance platform, consumers and businesses alike are becoming in tune with the benefits the technology for multiple industries in multiple ways.

In many cases, these chatbots and AI virtual assistants are powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

Conversational AI use cases

The benefit of conversational AI is that improves the interaction between customer and business. But more than just being a more enjoyable interaction, the benefit of quality conversational design and conversational AI is much more multi-faceted.


One of the most popular conversational AI use cases is sales. AI-powered chatbots can help sales teams automate their workflows and improve their productivity. For example, a chatbot can be used to automatically answer customer questions, schedule appointments, and track leads. This saves time for a live agent to engage with customers who have more nuanced needs and thus, are more likely to proceed to purchase with the right support.

Customer service

Another popular application for conversational AI is customer service. Chatbots can be used to answer customer questions, resolve complaints, and provide support. In fact, many companies are now using chatbots as their primary means of providing customer support. An engaged and facilitated customer is a happy customer.


Chatbots can also be used for marketing purposes. For example, chatbots can be used to drive engagement with customers, generate leads, and promote products and services. It does this by learning what people are asking about, what their pain points are and the best way to resolve them, by practice and interacting with customers. With the right conversational design, these bots can be trained to speak to customers exactly as they’d like to be spoken to.


Chatbots can also be used for education purposes. For example, chatbots can be used to provide students with homework help, tutoring, and educational resources. Ask a bot what conversational AI is. A bot powered by conversational AI will tell you. A bot with quality conversational design will explain it in words anyone can understand and even ask if you’d like to learn more.


Chatbots can also be used in the healthcare industry. For example, chatbots can be used to provide patients with information about their health, schedule appointments, and provide support.

Conversational design is a multi-faceted, multi-use technology that, employed effectively, changes the way people communicate. One of its greatest uses is in customer service, but customer service is more than just getting business hours, submitting an order or customer complaint. Its ability to generate meaningful support, automatically, will continue to impress customer experience experts who see the use in employing the technology to make everyone’s lives easier and the data and information they garner, more robust.


As we learn to adjust to speaking to a bot powered by conversational design, these bots will learn, even better, how to best adjust to us. [LK7]H2

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