Aug 27, 2021

[24]7 Conversations™—Digital Product Insights

Vinoth Govind
By Vinoth Govind

Director, Strategic Insights

To gauge the impact of our products, we regularly review their activity and performance trends. 

[24]7 Conversations™ is our conversational messaging chatbot and IVR. However, please note: These charts reflect the product’s digital/chatbot side only (no IVR stats).

Below we showcase Q1 2021 trends in the following categories:

  • Chatbot Volume and Containment Rate
  • Repeats, Async vs Sync
  • Agent Requests
  • Intents Per Session
  • Deflection Type

Digital Product Insights—Chatbot Volume and Containment: Steady

Chatbot Volume and Containment

Volume spiked significantly during the 2020/2021 holiday shopping season, to 6,500,000 unique sessions, before reverting in Q1 2021 to the usual levels of about 4,000,000 sessions per month. Most of this traffic came from the Telecommunications and Retail verticals, which accounted for 55 and 24 percent of the total, respectively.

Containment rates rose modestly, to 29 percent in March 2021, as we introduced new self-service intents in the Telecommunication vertical.

Digital Product Insights—Repeated Messaging Queries: Holiday Spike

Digital Product Insights Graph

Synchronous conversational messaging repeat rates (24-hour cycle*) doubled in December 2020, as delayed Retail orders triggered multiple customer queries, driving an 8 percent overall rise. Asynchronous conversational messaging repeat rates stayed lower than synchronous rates—proving again the async conversational messaging channel’s one-and-done nature; in fact, compared to traditional chat engagements, async messaging creates about 17 percent fewer contacts.

*Repeats within seven days were considered “post-72 hours” repeats.

Digital Product Insights—Requests for an Agent: Rising Modestly

In March 2021, customers asked for an agent about 5 percent more often than in previous months. This increase was driven by “higher touch” intents in Hospitality, such as booking inquiries, as consumers tentatively emerged from the pandemic. Still, very few customers (below 0.4 percent) request an agent before stating their issue.

Request for an Agent


Digital Product Insights—Intents Per Session: Rising Slightly

Intents per Session

There was a slight shift from single-intent to multi-intent conversations. This reflects customers’ increasing preference for asynchronous communications, which better support the sharing of multiple intents. 

Digital Product Insights—Deflection Type: Mixed

Deflection Type

The overall escalation rate was down slightly, even as significantly more Hospitality customers requested an agent (User Request) in March 2021.

Take the Next Step

For more information: Email us, visit our Contact Us page, or browse the [24]7 Conversations products page.

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